First Post

Published on 3/7/2024

#svelte #mdsvex #markdown

δΈ–η•Œγ―γ“γ‚“γ«γ‘γ―- Hello World

Welcome to my dev blog, built using:

  • SvelteKit
  • mdsvex
  • tailwind
The site is hosted using nodejs, deployed to AWS Lightsail using GitHub actions, and is proxied via Cloudflare.

Using pretty-code.js have highlighted code blocks!

The main-site utilizes @svelte-dev/pretty-code for syntax highlighting, which is shiki with some added funtionality.

// typescript
function greet(name: string) {
    console.log(`Hello ${name}!`)


Using mdsvex, svelteKit knows how to parse markdown into a svelte component.
For example, this is the source for this blog post:

title: First Post
description: Hello world for the markdown renderer.
date:  '2024-3-7'
    - svelte
    - mdsvex
    - markdown
published: true
# δΈ–η•Œγ―γ“γ‚“γ«γ‘γ―- Hello World
Welcome to my dev blog, built with:
<ul class="ulist">
    <li>SvelteKit </li>
## We also have highlighted code blocks!
The main-site utilizes [@svelte-dev/pretty-code]( for syntax highlighting, which is shiki with some added 
// typescript
function greet(name: string) {
    console.log(`Hello ${name}!`)
## Markdown Blog!
Using mdsvex, svelteKit understands how to parse markdown into a svelte component. This blog post is a single markdown file, for instance.
/// This example markdown in a code block.
Some *more* text.

Some more text.

njodoin::devlog Β© 2024