Personal Projects

This website!

This website was built with SvelteKit and Tailwind, including a small handful of useful libraries.
Check out the blog for some smaller exploratory projects and random ramblings.
See the repo for the source. I keep blog posts there too, if you’re curious.

Under Maintenance

Some other projects I’m working on, or worked on:


Originally developed by mihirlad55. A polybar module and systemd service that renders now-playing information and playback controls for Spotify in polybar. Polls dbus to for mpris2 media player events, triggering polybar-msg for various functions.

My fork provides ongoing maintenance against polybar updates, including minor feature enhancements and ongoing bugfixes.

Some unique features:

  • Detects when Spotify opens instead of waiting for first input in Spotify.
  • Clears module output when Spotify closes.
  • Checks if Spotify is opened/closed when the service starts/restarts.

I’m planning to replace polybar-spotify-module with my own project in the future.


A SvleteKit/expressJS/Postgres image board software project two friends and I built in a few weeks.

bayesian rock-paper-scissors

A simple bayesian beta-distribution sampling solution to Rock Paper Scissors.

njodoin::devlog © 2024